Doing Inspections The “Wright” Way,
from the Rooftop Down!
Fully Licenced & Insured
Error, Omissions & General Liability Insured.
Proud Member of the OAHI
A Member of the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors.
Full Detailed Digital Reports
Including pictures and recommended actions of our findings.
Simple & Safe Payment Methods
Including all major credit cards, debit and etransfer.
Established 2020
Why hire Rooftop Home & Property Inspections?
You are about to take on likely the biggest investment of your life.
The place you will come home from work to, the place you will raise your family in, the place where you will laugh and play with friends and family, home. A home inspection is more than simply pointing a flashlight in the attic. It is a wide angle view of your property, an assessment of the major components, their functionality and look at the overall health and safety of your home.
Home Inspection Services
Pre–Purchase Inspection
Post–Purchase Inspection
Pre–Listing Inspection
Home Basics 101
Pre-Offer Inspection
Pre–Renovation Inspection
FREE Home Reference E‑Book
Included with all Home Inspection Reports
What Our Customers Are Saying…
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Meet Kelly
Born and raised in London, I have lived and become familiar with many of London’s subdivisions and communities. A long-time enthusiast and simple contractor, I wanted to put my appetite for how things work into practice. Homes are an incredible thing. They provide security, warmth, comfort and can stand for a really long time, if they are maintained and cared for. My passion turned into an opportunity. I am certified in Home Inspection through Fanshawe college, a member in good standing with the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (OAHI) and have the skills and knowledge to identify potential issues and help you determine a course of action.
Rooftop Home & Property Inspections three pillars; Professional, Integrity and Trustworthiness are traits I hold close to me. In my personal and professional life, I strive to honor these things. I will do my utmost to provide you service that is proficient and skilled, stands up to the rigorous training I have taken and offers you some credible and reliable results. It is my goal to offer you a transparent view of your purchase, not to scare you away. Give us a call, let’s talk about your needs!